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Preserving Access to Healthy Food for Black in the Pandemic

Black people disproportionately live in “food deserts” where healthy produce and meat are hard to come by. And during the pandemic, getting access to safe high-quality food is even harder though it’s one of the best ways to stay healthy. After a Color Of Change member in Los Angeles launched a campaign on OrganizeFor, Capri Retail Services agreed to reopen its Crenshaw Farmers Market, serving a Black neighborhood without many other good options.

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Amazon and Barnes and Noble to Vet COVID-19 Info

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more important than ever that tech companies and content producers hold themselves to high standards around the accuracy of the information they’re spreading. Companies initially let rumors proliferate about the virus, from the idea that Black people can’t catch COVID-19 to the lie that drinking bleach will cure you. These were endangering Black people’s lives, so Color Of Change members took a stand and successfully pressed booksellers Amazon and Barnes and Noble to take down misleading materials from their sites and vet all COVID-19 information going forward.

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People in Prison Get Free Calls During COVID-19

During this pandemic, it’s so important to stay in touch with loved ones, especially for people in prison where the risk of outbreaks are among the highest in the world. Price-gouging by telecommunication companies who service prisons and jails is a serious problem; the industry scrapes $1.2 billion from poor people and communities of color every year. That’s why Color Of Change launched a campaign to take the burden off and make sure people in federal prisons can call home for free. After 18,000 members spoke up and signed our petition, federal prison officials relented. Now we’re asking leaders at state prisons, county jails, and detention centers across the country to follow suit.

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Color Of Change helps people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by 7 million members, we move decision makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people, and all people. Until justice is real.

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This Black History Month, Fuel The Fight For Justice!